Research Projects

CMERA research.....

Research Projects

Megan Rusell and Max Gosselin - A decade of biological information about hammerheads in St. Joseph Sound.


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Kelsey Montalto - Drivers of elasmobranch diversity within the Clearwater, FL area

This research specifically focuses on whether factors such as location, water temperature, time of year, seafloor bottom type, and protected park status influence elasmobranch species distribution within the Clearwater, Florida area as most are currently considered at a threatened status. We hypothesized that protected park status has a positive influence on species presence and diversity.  All data were collected by Coastal Marine Education and Research Academy in the field from May through August between 2013 to 2020. Analysis was done using R to create a multinomial logistic regression model to determine which variables are important in determining the elasmobranch distributions observed. By performing these types of statistical analyses, we can better understand the drivers of elasmobranch diversity, and thus have the information needed to take further conservative efforts in the future.

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Dr. Angelica Barrera-Garcia - Vice President of Education/Research

Dr. Angelica Barrera-Garcia is a Marine Biologist from the Jorge Tadeo Lozano University – UJTL (Colombia) and an honors Master´s IPN-CICIMAR, Mexico where she studied fish osteology. During her Doctorate in Science, she studied the ecotoxicology of blue sharks in Mexican waters trying to find the physiological effects (oxidative stress indicators) on sharks caused by heavy metals, obtained through feeding habits. She worked with researchers from the University of Fairbanks, Alaska and the University of Wyoming. She worked as an environmental consultant monitoring marine fishery resources and as a master’s degree professor at Jorge Tadeo Lozano University. She is been part of CMERA since 2020 season. Contact info:

Carlos Alberto Niño Torres - Professor

Carlos studied Marine Biology at the Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano in Colombia and a master's and doctorate degree at the Institute of Marine Sciences and Limnology of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. He was worked as as coordinator for Omacha Foundation (Colombia) in the Colombian Orinoquia, focusing his research on river dolphins. He studied the ecology of dolphins of the Gulf of California and using stable isotopes as a tool to know the eating patterns of the common dolphin (Delphinus capensis) in this region. His doctorate research turned towards environmental pollution and he studied the pesticide content in three species (Zalophus californianus, Balaenoptera physalus and Tursiops truncatus) of marine mammals in the Gulf of California. He has participated in projects focused on biology and ecology of marine mammals with Italian and American research groups. He has a lot of field experience with marine mammals and carried out research at NOAA laboratories where he learned techniques in the field of ecology and environmental pollution. He was a memeber of the marine mammal laboratory at the Autonomous University of Baja California Sur and since 2010 he is part of the University of Quintana Roo as a professor, where he is the leader of the laboratory in ecology and molecular biology and the implementation of a long-term monitoring project of the aquatic megafauna of the Caribbean

Dr. Pilar Blanco - Professor (Elasmobranch Specialist)

Marine Biologist from the University of Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano in Colombia, master's degree and a doctorate from the Institute of Marine Sciences and Limnology of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. She began her first work with cartilaginous fish during her undergraduate thesis, studying the ecology and biology of fish in the Colombian Amazon. During her master's degree she focused on the population parameters for the blue shark (Prionace glauca) estimating the age and growth. Her PhD project focused on the biology, ecology, and fisheries of a guitarfish species (Zapteryx exasperata) in the Gulf of California. Dr. Pilar has participated in different institutions involving fisheries, ecology, tagging and biology of sharks and rays including NOAA, The Telemetry Laboratory of the University of California, Davis, The Ichthyology Laboratory of Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, The School of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries of the University of Washington and at the Department of Biology, Chemistry and Environmental Sciences of the American University of Sharjah, UAE. She was part of the Global Assessment of the IUCN shark specialist group for the Central West Atlantic in 2019 and is a Commission member of the IUCN SSC Shark specialist group 2021-2024. She currently works as a researcher for the CONACyT at the University of Quintana Roo Campus Chetumal, leading several projects on elasmobranch ecology and biology in the Mexican Caribbean. 

Paige Plier — Clearwater, FL — Coastal Marine Education and Research Academy

Lina Garzón - Marine Biologist

Lina is a Colombian Marine Biologist, graduated from the Jorge Tadeo Lozano University – UJLT, where she studied trophic ecology of four populations of sharks in the Colombian Caribbean, while she also worked along with fishermen gathering information of sizes, maturity, and otoliths in the fish community. She also worked for two years for an environmental advisor company writing reports of sustainable balance of natural resources through ecological carrying capacity studies, and floristic, wildlife and hydrobiology characterizations. This year she will enjoy CMERA`S experience as a marine biologist, teaching and learning with all our students on the boats and appreciate these fantastic creatures like sharks and rays to gain valuable experience in her life and career.

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Paige Plier — Clearwater, FL — Coastal Marine Education and Research Academy

Paton Willbanks - Marine Biologist

Paton is from Malakoff, TX and has her Bachelor of Science with a major in Biology and minor in environmental studies through Texas Tech University. She has cheered for 13 years and has spent her last few years She is now focused on pursuing her passion in marine biology and educating others about sharks and rays. She loves to be anywhere outdoors and near the beach. She also has been scuba certified for 5 years. This is her third year with CMERA, starting as a student her first year and her second year as an intern. She is very excited to be back this summer to continue growing her experiences where she can help lead and educate others in this field. 

Jacey Jackard — Clearwater, FL — Coastal Marine Education and Research Academy

Jack Brutzer - Intern

Jack hails from Charleston, SC, where he is studying marine biology and German at the College of Charleston, where he is set to graduate in 2023. Jack’s passion for elasmobranchs started early, beginning on the Gold Coast of Australia. H has never lived more than 10 miles from a body of water, and he always wants to share his love of the water and the creatures therein. Jack played tennis in high school and even coached the younger generation of tennis players, but he also surfs and runs the rock-climbing club at his college. This will be Jack’s second year with CMERA, having been a student last summer, and now an intern. He can’t wait to give students the hands-on field-work experience that he loved so much last year.

Jacey Jackard — Clearwater, FL — Coastal Marine Education and Research Academy

Colton Dorchuck- Intern 

Colton is from Hagerman, ID but attends the University of Idaho in Moscow, ID with the intention of completing a bachelor's degree in wildlife management. He grew up traveling around the country and was always outside either for work or fun, including fishing, hunting, and swimming. He worked for his family’s business buying and selling antler until he left for college. From his travels around the U.S, he gained a love for water and all the fascinating creatures that call it home. This led him to join CMERA as a student and will be back this summer as an intern. His interest in water led him to get Scuba certified and gain a lot of boating experience. This summer he is hoping to get some further experience in large animal handling and some further dive experience in hopes of completing his master dive certification. He is looking forward to putting those experiences to use for CMERA and helping others with a similar interest gain the invaluable experience provided here.   

Paige Plier — Clearwater, FL — Coastal Marine Education and Research Academy

Jacey Jackard - Biologist & Research Boat Captain

Jacey is from Haslett, MI where she graduated from Michigan State University with a Bachelor of Science in Fisheries and Wildlife. Growing up, she spent most of her time outdoors or doing gymnastics, and later began to coach the sport after high school. Before CMERA, Jacey was a Park Naturalist at a nature center in Michigan, where she taught kids about flora and fauna. As much as she loves Michigan and the sport of gymnastics, aquatics and wildlife are her true passions. She is scuba certified and loves spending most of her time outdoors being active and in the water. This is her second year with CMERA, starting as a student and now continuing as an intern. She is excited to continue her professional and educational experiences so she can teach future generations.

Paige Plier — Clearwater, FL — Coastal Marine Education and Research Academy

David Carlysle – Research Boat Captain

David graduated from the Georgia Institute of Technology where he earned a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering. After becoming a registered Professional Engineer, he owned and managed an engineering consulting firm for almost 30 years before retiring and pursuing other interests, including becoming a United States Coast Guard masters boat captain. David has supported and helped her with shark and ray research since 2011. David is a master scuba diver, a licensed paramedic and a certified firefighter. 

Tom Carlysle - Research Boat Captain

Tom has been involved with CMERA in various ways almost since the program began and has been a boat captain during two previous seasons.
He graduated from Georgia State University in Atlanta with a Journalism degree and worked in the media for several years. Most of his career was spent as an event manager where he managed trade shows, corporate events and tours. His fun retirement job has been working as an extra in TV and film, including Ozark, Stranger Things, The Resident and many others.

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